How To Choose The Right Coffee Machine

From filter coffee makers to traditional espresso machines, the range of coffee equipment available can be overwhelming. However, if you have just a little essential knowledge, you can easily navigate the world of coffee machines and get the right machine for you.

Not so long ago, making a cup of coffee was no more complicated than deciding on your favorite brand of instant coffee and boiling a kettle. How things have changed! The proliferation of coffee shops throughout the world has made us all more particular in what we choose to drink. Not content with drinking lattes and cappuccinos in our local coffee shop, an incredible 20% of  households now own a coffee machine so we can enjoy our favorite creation at home.

So here is our easy to follow guide on how to choose the right type of coffee machine for you.

There are a number of basic ways to make coffee, and depending on your own preference, some will be more suitable to you than others. Let's take a look at the main types of coffee machine on the market.

Read More: How To Choose The Right Coffee Machine


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